NSF Awards: 1612824
2018 (see original presentation & discussion)
Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Undergraduate
How does collaborative STEM project-based learning change when the participating students represent fundamentally distinct cultures, countries, economic, and social backgrounds, and work together over synchronous and asynchronous internet settings?
Does the use of videoconferencing in such STEM project-based learning settings alter intersubjectivity or shared meaning in ways that might have broad social impact?
Differences in where people live and in our cultures factor deeply into social and economic fractures in US and global society. Can students working together across such boundaries experience virtual presence and shared meaning-making through project collaborations in ways that allow deeper appreciation of each other’s differences, and reduce such fractures?
Does such collaboration from the context and comfort of one's own cultural settings helped to neutralize anxiety and distrust of others, and in ways that are promising for the next generation learning settings that will feature more abundant international collaboration at middle and secondary school levels?
Featuring students who collaborate with one another from sixteen sites in the US, Kenya, Finland, Namibia, Mexico, Iran, and India, the IC4 project explores the intersection of learning, culture, and collaboration. Supported by NSF’s AISL Program, the project provides an international, collaborative, and digital makerspace that explores these questions and seeks to understand how student learning changes when collaborating teams identify themselves as teachers seeking to help peers understand STEM topics.
Eric Hamilton
Dear video viewers,
Welcome and thank you for coming to learn about IC4, a project to study collaboration that takes places across boundaries of culture, country, language, and STEM experience. It is bringing academic reward, engagement, and joy, we have found, to its participants in a growing number of countries. We eagerly hope this kind of collaboration becomes an abundant feature of future informal science learning and schooling, and hope this project helps uncover effective ways to reach that future.
Please comment if you can – what are your overall impressions? Are there specific questions you have? Do you have suggestions or ways we can work with you?
We also welcome your comments on the research side of this “research in service of practice” project. We rely on a quantitative ethnography called Epistemic Network Analysis, on Activity Theory, and on focused attention to affective and social variables in building academic depth in STEM learning. If you have thoughts on any of this, we also welcome your comments. On behalf of the IC4 students, staff, teachers, and supporters, thank you again and enjoy!
Denise Calhoun
Helen Teague
Seung Lee
Zach Mbasu
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Ateng' Ogwel
Dear All,
This is quite empowering. Seeing young people collaborate and take initiative is gratifying. Keep it up guys
Veera Kallunki
Helen Teague
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Austine Mboya
I only want to congratulate you guys for bringing knowledge to young generation. Spread your wings to the needy. Keep it up and Gods willing you will achieve great ideas.
Eric Hamilton
Veera Kallunki
Helen Teague
Denis Okello
Adem Michelle
This video is amazing ! I enjoyed every minute of it. The editing was amazingly perfect.
I'm glad to be a member of IC4.
Veera Kallunki
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
What a wonderful and welcome first comment to this video. We are so glad you are in IC4!!
Denis Okello
Veera Kallunki
Hi Mark,
thank you for your questions! I am coordinating the activities here in Finland. Our school system is very flexible, so clubs are often organised here during the school day, but we also have after school activity here. Here it is possible to integrate IC4 into everyday school work. In one school the students have participated in an online meet-up of IC4 during their "night school" event. In this way, it was easy to communicate with students from Pittsburgh area.
Eric Hamilton
Mark Windschitl
Eric and colleagues, this is truly a boundary-crossing project. Can you say a bit more about the kinds of activities your students work on together? You had mentioned digital artifacts, so maybe that is a good place to start. I am also wondering how you coordinate the time and efforts of teachers around the world-it makes me wonder if the "intersubjective understanding" that you mentioned also applies to the educators who are part of your network. Lots of questions, sorry, but the work is fascinating.
Veera Kallunki
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Helen Teague
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Hi Mark! Thank you for the kind words. The digital artifacts are generally videos, made with any of a number of editing or production tools, on android, windows, and apple platforms. We are also working on sharing computer code and we have a lot of students who collaborate over Sway.com, which is probably the students' most favored way to co-create digital media that is formatted.
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
As far as coordinating time and effort, in each country we have a facilitator who manages club meetings, usually after school or on Saturdays. For the actual meetings - well, we work hard at it, and find pockets of time. For example, a Friday night in California corresponds to a Saturday morning in east Africa or Finland, agreeable times to meet. I have awakened many times at 3 or 4 am for sessions with partners in after school sessions. On more than one occasion, students in Kenya at different schools have had permission to stay at the school into the wee hours to collaborate with their American partners. Not every meetup is extreme though, and we find ways (like people in professional fields that have widely differing time zones) to accommodate!
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Helen Teague
Eric Hamilton
And finally, your wonderfully insightful question about intersubjectivity. Why weren't you around when we were starting a little over a year ago. You seemed to get right away that this issue applies to educators. But, um... we did not get it! It took a lot of jaw-dropping interactions for me to realize that using the same words had different meanings to a lot of people, and using different words had the same meaning. It is utterly fascinating. And I wish we could have seen as clearly at the outset what was visible to you in a 3 minute video. Thank you.
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Jennifer Atkinson
Eric - To what extent were the youth involved in selecting the activities that they engaged in? Do they all engage in the same activity or all their subgroups by age or interest? Are they learning together as they work online - or sharing their their learning in parallel processes.
This project is meaningful on so many dimensions. As another commenter wrote - I can see its application even across cultural barriers within my own state. I look forward to following your progress and problem-solving as it all unfolds.
Eric Hamilton
Shad Wachter
Jennifer - I have the wonderful opportunity to be a teacher facilitator for a group of middle school students at South Fayette, outside of Pittsburgh, PA. At first, the students are able to choose their own topics, based upon personal interest. When they first create their introductory Sway, they list their hobbies and interests, as well as anything else they would like to share with one another. When partners/groups are first chosen, they are grouped according to interests. In their initial online meetup, the students decide upon a topic to study/research, collaborate upon, and create a media project collaboratively. Recently, however, we asked students to choose topics from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/susta... We then grouped students based upon which topic they wanted to research. My middle school age students have worked with students from Finland who were younger then them, as well as students from Kenya and Namibia who were older. Typically, when they decide upon their topic, they also assign roles such as project manager, video editor, researcher, etc. - but there may be more than one student in some of the roles. The students work asynchronously for the most part, but schedule online meetups to share progress and provide feedback during and at the end of the project.
Eric Hamilton
Ron Cole
Veera Kallunki
Jennifer - for example in the collaboration between Finland (Vantaa) and Pittsburgh that Shad described above, the students met in an online meet-up. During this meeting they planned together what kind of video they would like to do. The common project was set up and after that students have been creating their videos both separately and together, I mean that they have communicated through Slack by sharing their unfinished videos and commenting them. From the Finnish side I can say how amazing it is that this kind of collaboration encourages and motivates the students to talk in English, and teach the contents of their video to others. The club activity also interests other students in the class. So far five students of one class have been communicating with the South Fayette students. However, last time when I met the club the class teacher said that in fact now the whole class (20 students) are creating videos for the project, because the rest of the students had also asked to participate in.
Eric Hamilton
Ron Cole
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Shad, Veera: thank you for your thoughtful responses to Jennifer’s questions. We are so fortunate to have your participation in this project and representing IC4 so well!
Eric Hamilton
John Odhiambo
This is great work especially taking into consideration the global aspect of this study and in deed kenya can go further on this to help in bringing together the students from across the country to heal the differences between communities who are many times closed in thier small ethnic enclaves. Now that the Government of kenya through the minisrty of education has started 102 STEM MODEL SCHOOLS , this idea of collaboration among them on line would really enhance integration among the students on their innovations and projects! Congrats to the groups and more so the great team behind this noble idea and more so Prof Eric!
Veera Kallunki
Ateng' Ogwel
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
John, I am only vaguely aware of 102 STEM Model Schools in Kenya. Is this one school per county? (I somehow remember 102 counties in the Republic). We never could have engaged partners in Kenya without your partnership. I still make people laugh when I tell them about the strange man driving me around who did not care about my "important" schedule and who made an unplanned stop in Nairobi next to some torn up corrugated metal and told me to get out of the car. And on the other side, Kibera and within that, St. A school before it moved to the new building. #youchangedmylife
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Ateng' Ogwel
I reserve my comments on this because John my boss might be reading. But a picture is just beginning to emerge, designed by God. It was not clear what kind of impression you were to have when I requested that you come to Nairobi for a few hours from Kampala. Thanks for your understanding, patience and resilience
Denis Okello
John Odhiambo
Congrats to the whole team for the good work going on on STEM.
John Odhiambo
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Agree, especially congrats to your teams in Kenya!!
Denis Okello
Kevin Brown
Associate Director
Learning science while breaking down cultural/ethnic/national boundaries, that’s a win-win for sure! In regards to the latter can you provide some details on the kinds of affective and social variables you are collecting (and how) for the epistemic network analysis and whether this will be able to assess changes in prosocial attitudes such as trust or cooperation? Also, how have you recruited your international partners and do you have plans to expand?
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Eric Hamilton
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
To the second question, our initial international partners stemmed from Eric's relationships from previous work in Finland, Namibia, and Kenya. From there, other sites have been added by referral and vetting for sustainable partnership. While we hope to add more sites in the future, we've been very careful to not expand haphazardly in order spend time with getting a new site oriented. We want to ensure commitment in participation, which takes a dedicated teacher leader to be a reliable onsite contact with the students. But, we welcome inquires-- especially from continents we haven't reached yet!
Eric Hamilton
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Denis Okello
This has really been awesome Dr. Hamilton, I might not have enough words to express my joy but I would like to say that you have done one of the greatest thing ever. Bringing people around the world to collaborate, interact and to see the world as a small global village. Am really impressed, I can recall the first time ic4 started, I didn't believe it would go to this extend but all in all, we thank God for the daily progress. I would like to congratulate you for joining UNESCO...
Veera Kallunki
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Helen Teague
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Denis, we're truly grateful for your leadership and dedication in our project! You are such a big part of the success at St. Aloysius. Plus your passion for STEM subjects is inspiring. Thank you!
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Denis, we are very proud to know you and come alongside you. We are expecting great things from the leaders and servants of Kenya's future. :)
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Ateng' Ogwel
Thanks for allowing Denis and Ateamate to demonstrate their competencies. Am looking forward to seeing the next team of 'Denis & Ateamate from St. Al's and Mpesa Academy in Kenya, and from the schools in Namibia. That's the joy of believing in the youth. In Africa, the strategy is harnessing the demographic dividend of the young population. A confident, creative and collaborating youth is the input from IC4 Project. The natural modeling of the 'facilitative' role of teachers, like what Edwin and Cyrus are doing, is optimal for developing lifelong learning skills among the youth.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Kristina Lux
Denis, it is always a pleasure working with you. You have been instrumental in leading the learners in Kenya and we are so fortunate to have you on the team!
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Denis Okello
Denis Okello
Hello Kristina, your response is really encouraging. It has been a pleasure working with you and also learning a lot from you. Thank you for always been there, your effort and energy will never go unrewarded. Am proud of you!
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Denis Okello
I am really glad to be in this group.Truly i have learnt more and i expect to learn more from the collaboration.Thank you Eric Hamilton,Danielle ,Zach and all the facilitators.
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Christine, it's wonderful to see your comment-- we appreciate your participation in IC4, representing Kenya well :) I'll always remember your video on the composition and various use of egg shells-- such an eye opening project!
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Marvelous Masika
Hi Eric
I really enjoyed the video, seeing my fellow colleagues also participate in the ic4 project. I also thank all our facilitators for making this project come to true. On behalf of my fellow students, I thank you Eric Hamilton for making this project successful since I have been able to learn a lot through this.
Thank you.
Veera Kallunki
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Marvelous, thank you for expressing your appreciation -- likewise, we are humbled at the dedication of the students at St. Aloysius. It's our humble privilege to know that your involvement in the project has helped your learning. We look forward to your continued great work!
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Megan McKinley
Doctoral Student
Hello, Eric and Danielle. This project is fascinating -- and very much needed! I would like to hear more about your strategies for developing and sustaining positive relationships among students across national, cultural, and ethnic boundaries within these digital communities. How did you foster these relationships? You mentioned that students were involved in finding and negotiating shared meaning. What did this process look like?
Eric Hamilton
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Thank you so much, Megan! Appreciate your positive feedback and questions. The relationships are fostered between sites when they work both synchronously (via online global meet-ups) and asynchronously on projects in small teams. They'll usually start with an online global meet-up to meet each other and discuss a plan, then work asynchronously via communication method (ie email, Slack, Google Hangouts, iMessage) and timeline they agree on. We observe most of the negotiated and shared meaning during online global meet-ups-- for example, when checking in on the their project progress and trying to work out how to combine their efforts together cohesively. And it unfolds a little differently with each team.
Eric Hamilton
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Margaret (Midge) Cozzens
I have been interested in developing citizen science projects in schools across the country where students in Georgia would collaborate with students in Montana for example, and one source of projects is IIASA based in Austria but working in Kenya and around the world, so it strikes me we could have students across the world collaborating as well. It seems challenging, but you have accomplished it with this project.
Eric Hamilton
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Helen Teague
Eric Hamilton
Dear Midge, thank you. I am currently in Finland, and your comment makes me think about discussions we are having here about the project, which actively involves kids sharing outside of Finland. But the discussions involve focusing especially on within-Finland interactions, especially between youngsters in SAMI tribal areas in far north Lapland, those in more rural areas, and then in the more populous south central and southwest areas. With only 4-5 million people, the country is almost as large as California, and has several diverse populations within the country. So we are starting to think about within-country interactions, also. And, after seeing your video, I am trying to think if there is any way a module can be fitted for this kind of distributed collaboration. Thank you again.
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Miyoko Chu
What an exciting project--thank you for sharing it in your video! I am wondering how much structure or support has been helpful to foster online collaboration? It's often challenging enough for people who are all in the same room to come with an idea together and execute it. Are there certain "cyber" related supports/guidelines/tools that help these online teams collaborate productively?
Eric Hamilton
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Dear Miyoko,
It actually takes a fair amount of structure, at least for us, to situate students so that they can readily interact with one another and do so freely without wondering about connectivity, or what to discuss, etc. But a conjecture we are chasing is that sometimes it is easier in distributed settings for people to come together than in f2f, in some conditions. There is a comfort factor of being in one's home environment and culture that appears to ease some forms of collaboration across cultural boundaries - and, in a sense, it scaffolds or primes later in person collaboration. It is a direction we are pursuing, anyway. And thank you for your kind words. I keep purposing to connect with some of the cool projects and work in Ithaca, mostly with makerspace projects, and looking over your project makes me realize there is another super cool project.
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Miyoka, I guess I would ask the same question of your ornithology project. I love your project, and you have succeeded in building a major following. I think you must possess some tacit knowledge about building followership, but more importantly, it seems that the videos you produce would be/should be objects of interest to our digital makerspace community,
Denis Okello
Israel Ramirez
This video show us all that quality education has no boundaries, and that borders do not exits. It is amazing to experience how students, and teachers become one team producing project ideas, helping each other to enhance knowledge, and to share the richness of cultural diversity from across the oceans, and the mountains. This global collaboration involvement, has positively change the way I teach, the way I collaborate with colleagues, and the way my students work/collaborate with me. It is truly an amazing experience to have the opportunity to learn from students and great teachers across the globe.
Kristina Lux
Helen Teague
Stephen Birch
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Dear Israel, you are one of the champions of this effort, because in part you guide us with your voice of expertise and hard-won real life classroom wisdom. And, in part, your classroom dynamism and authentic and knowledgeable care for students is amazing to see. Las Vegas won the lottery with CCSD signed you. :)
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Israel Ramirez
Thank you Dr. Hamilton,
This accomplishment to see students learning from each other around the globe is due because we have a such a great team of collaborators that truly care about students enhancing leadership team work skills. Yet, I like to add that our students are the real heroes willing to collaborate with peers and teachers, and to share with us that they have so much to teach us all. It is priceless!
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Sharone Tindi
IC4 is an exciting novel idea. I have interacted with some of the students who have used IC4 and the confidence and passion they exhibit while explaining their projects and what IC4 entails is overwhelming. I congratulate the great work; Zach and the IC4 team have been doing in Kenya. Keep up the good work!
Zach Mbasu
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Zach Mbasu
Sharone thank you for your compliment. We always try to make sense in the digital habitats of the community of learners we work with, understand how they share knowledge, help one another and learn together.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Zach Mbasu
Ville Mäkinen
Greetings from Finland. Kuninkaanhaka school about to join the project and we are very exited to work with other schools around the world.
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Veera Kallunki
The Finnish students have really enjoyed this project. Taking part to online meet-ups and communicating via Slack has been exciting for them. It seems that collaborating really motivates students to take photos and shoot video clips about STEM phenomena, create videos about them and share them which others. They are also very curious to watch videos that other student have done. And, also just talking with others and getting to know new people seems to be very interesting for them.
Eric Hamilton
Helen Teague
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
Ateng' Ogwel
The success has been due to visionary leadership by Eric and mentorship of the emerging leaders. Believing in the young generation, valuing effort rather than the final product makes the learners collaborate freely and set own expectations.
I have seen transfer of mantle for coordination, support and mentorship in California and Kenya. Denis and Ateamate; Cyrus of Mpesa Academy; Zach, Kristine, Danielle, Helen, Ramirez are the many Eric's I salute for the IC4 Project.
We need to pursue suggestions for more research insights, and creating nodes to work with such initiatives in Georgia and Montana
Cheers to the team
Helen Teague
Denis Okello
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Thank you for your kind words --working /meeting with you has been a wonderful opportunity and I look forward to continued collaboration.
Many thanks!
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Helen Teague
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Wyclife Oluoch
Good evening,
How do u do,I hope that this message finds you well.
This video was nice though i didn't feature.
Kristina Lux
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Thank you Wyclife for showcasing your natural innovation, creativity and scientific talent. We will feature your finished projects in the artifact, project file folder and Flipgrid on the IC4 website.
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Amazing n this is a critical aspect of giving approach to the education sector moreso in cross acquisition of knowledge as opposed to used to be a one man guitor of studies.Eric,thumbs up!!
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Zach Mbasu
Thank you Willys, this unique platform gives a chance to young people in and out of school to demonstrate their innovation, creativity and showcase their scientific talents. We hope that we popularize STEM among young people and encourage them to seek practical solutions to the problems they face in everyday life.
Eric Hamilton
Zachary Hamilton
Congratulations! Exciting to see what you're doing :)
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
I believe this is Zachary who was in Vienna at one point. You people have given us a precious gift. Thanks to you and the other family members
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Helen Teague
Denis Okello
Zach Mbasu
Thank you Zachary, I am glad we share the same name and mentor :)
Eric Hamilton
Cabrine Nyona
Its indeed a good platform for interaction. I am looking forward for it to be inclusive in rural areas.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Cabrina, we are working on that!
Denis Okello
Daniel Kaiga.
Hello,the video is realy amaizing and encouraging for as the ic4 members to continue working hard towards this project by being great innovators and to work together as a team to come up with good things ever.Thanks for all.
Ateng' Ogwel
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Hi ,i think that this is what ithought of the video ,i think that this is the best way you show cased the video.Love the way the presentation was done .Kudos and we will continue to show our best to you.
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Stephen Birch
The concept of bridging geographic and cross-cultural barriers using education and technology is truly inspiring. While this example uses global context, it is just as applicable within borders - a true testiment to its universally appealing construct. I am inspired to know that STEM learners have the potential to utilize this platform! My hope is that IC4 will continue to gain momentum and wide-scale adoption.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Dr Birch, thank you for the good words. I think our main challenge is to move from the construct to working on ways to explain how students change in the process and what consequences that has for future learning environments - hence, the research side of the project, and the use of epistemic network analysis.
Denis Okello
Stephen Birch
Stephen Birch
Measurement of outcomes is always the hardest part of any project with numerous intangible benefits. I would think the key is to focus on a set of specific outcomes with meaningful impact to project sponsors. Increase in student grades, a pre and post cultural survey of social awareness, or standardized testing increases (in the case of the CA students). I really look forward to reading the results from this next next phase!
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
We are working on trying to develop a new instrument on cross=cultural development, which will trace how cross-cultural dispositions change. We had hoped this to go this year, but it seems likely that it will not be at least until January. But you raise good points about focusing.
Stephen Birch
Sarah Fischbach
Very Cool Dr Hamilton. Thank you for sharing your video and I will distribute through Facebook. The more people involved in spreading the word the better.
All the best,
Dr Fischbach
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Ateng' Ogwel
It is encouraging to learn that you are going to spread it.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Dr Fischbach, I agree with Mr Ogwel, who is a long-time mentor and colleague from Kenya. Thank you. It is good to gain involvement. A large question is how to marshal the goodwill and enthusiasm into actionable knowledge of collaboration, culture, and learning. But at the least, we are working on it! Thank you again.
Ashley Cross
What an inspiring project! Keep up the great work!
Eric Hamilton
Helen Teague
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Dr. Cross, I appreciate your kind words, assuredly!
Amber Thackeray
I love that the participants talk about fear of the workplace or STEM being neutralized through the meet ups. That strikes me as a neat outcome that may not have been originally expected. Like Steve said, I'm curious to hear more about how the outcomes are captured, especially those that are so illusive and hard to measure. This is awesome work!
Eric Hamilton
Stephen Birch
Eric Hamilton
Dr. Thackeray,right - this issue of neutralizing anxiety is something that was not expected. And, it is a conjecture still, for this phenomenon: why do kids find it so easy - and joyous - when perhaps in person that affinity is not such a natural occurrence. It is fascinating, and we think that this safety from your own culture dynamic is at least part of the explanation. And thank you for the kind words!!
Jenna Welsh
It's amazing to see how this project has evolved over time, especially as it expands to more and more sites. I'm excited to see the future discoveries!
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Helen Teague
Denis Okello
Eric Hamilton
Ms Welsh,
Readers might not recognize you as the lead producer of the video and a formidable law school student. But I do, and your long history with the project and observational acumen makes your comments even more significant - you have seen all this grow, and have participated significantly in the struggles and advances along the way. Thank you for your comments and well-wishing!
Kristina Lux
Helen Teague
Kristina Lux
Yes Jenna - an amazing job well done on this video!!! Congrats, it looks amazing!
Eric Hamilton
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
We are so incredibly fortunate to have you on the team, Jenna. Not only do we benefit from your video skills, but your abilities to help process our data. Thank you for your time and energies in our project, amidst your law school studies and other achievements!
Zach Mbasu
It has been great for me to see that the whole idea works, is accessible in different parts of the world and that the intercultural experiences allow learners to work collaboratively to solve problems learning from diverse perspectives. My highlight on IC4 has been seeing students working together on a common project building on each others’ knowledge and learning science practices through intercultural experiences.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Seung Lee
Denis Okello
Zach Mbasu
Seung B. Lee
Zach, I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for your insights as well as your dedication and commitment to the project. Despite having only been with the project for 6 months, it has been amazing for me to see students from such diverse backgrounds and environments come together to create projects that deal with real world issues related to STEM topics. Looking forward to our continued collaboration!
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Krishna Pujari
Awesome idea to bring the future leaders of this world together to make the world a beautiful family. I loved this project. I would love to bring this to some of the schools i work in India. Please let me know if it is possible to collaborate with this project.
My contact details: Krishna Pujari
email: krishna@realitytoursandtravel.com
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Benson Mwenda
It was a perfect idea which will make the students develop their skills in IT. I think the project will give the students the skills they need to solve some of the problems facing their communities and the project will bring about diversity.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Cyrus Mema
true Benson
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Derby Daizy
It is so empowering to see young people being involved in such creative stuff like this of IC4......This is marvelous!!
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Cyrus Mema
It has enhanced creativity and innovation towards learning. Great idea
Eric Hamilton
Naomi Kemunto
This will not only bring young people from different parts of the world together but also reduce the gap between different social classes. I like this idea.
Eric Hamilton
Helen Teague
Denis Okello
Ismail Mwarumba
It’s a good idea of making the world even a smaller village where people can meet ... Its much educative.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Nice ? job
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
This is really empowering....it’s bringing collaboration and understanding among young people ...Big up guys
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Denis Okello
Ahmed Abdille
This Vedio is aws and I felt that it is right vedio for next generation.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Eusila Kitur
Great job guys .This is a lovely platform for interaction . I wish you well.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Denis Okello
This is much awesome. Seeing how your ideas are helping nurture young generations all around the world.I must say it is amazing.. Can’t get enough of it.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Lynette Foe-Aman
I agree Candy. The platform for young generations to get together and discuss science and world issues will change the world. It is so fun to watch and be a part of building community.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Kristina Lux
Helen Teague
Helen Teague
Lynette: You are dedicated educator who has given tirelessly to this research!
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Zach Mbasu
Candy, these young ones generate their own ideas for their own project topics all of which have implications for development of the global scientific society.
Eric Hamilton
It’s fantastic to see that we young people are coming up strongly in terms of STEM.Congrats to the ic4 members for showing such hardwork and commitment.It is also encouraging to see how well they are cooperating and working as a team.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Zach Mbasu
Thank you Doreen, collaborative learning on the IC4 project has commonly been illustrated when IC4 members learn something together or work together to search for understanding/solutions or create a product of their learning. Also members actively interact during meetups to share experiences and take on different roles.
Eric Hamilton
Nathan Kubai
What an amazing idea ???????????????
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Sera Mulwa
It’s amazing and congratulations to both STEM and IC4 members
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Denis Okello
The video is awesome
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Amaechi Ugwu
The IC4 is definitely a great learning experience for all involved. In the current global milieu, where nationalistic and narrow world views appear to be on the rise, the IC4 Project that brings teenagers together from different cultures, languages, nations and continents in a networked learning environment, no doubt, is a refreshing change. The potential outcomes from experiences of students learning collaboratively about STEM, producing educational contents and at the same time gaining much needed firsthand knowledge of their peers from other cultures can not be overstated. Perhaps, similar projects could be replicated in other fields particularly in areas that focus on the core competencies of the students in different countries.
Eric Hamilton
Denis Okello
Zach Mbasu
Well said Amaechi, it is hoped that sustained support for this project will result in the active engagement of the young in the search for practical solutions to problems. A wealth of potential for innovation and creativity exists in all countries and continents involved: all we need to do is to give learners an opportunity to develop their skills and embrace STEM as a vital discipline in the development of their society.
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Cyrus Mema
Well done Dr. Eric and the video is amazing.IC4 project has enhanced learning experiences from classroom to project based for STEM. Students have developed confidence and sharpened their public speaking skills. In their quest to learning it has helped the students improve in mathematics and science subjects. It has also helped bridge the social-cultural gaps across the continents.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Denis Okello
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Cyrus, thanks for sharing a bit about the impact on your students in IC4. We are grateful for your work with the IC4 students in Kenya!
Maxwell Fundi
That's such an amazing work to bring learners together from different parts of the world
Eric Hamilton
Amelia Wildman
Dr. Hamilton, what an inspiring video! Seeing genuine collaboration and love of learning while breaking down barriers of distance makes me think that the future of education certainly is bright! Full 'STEM' ahead!
Helen Teague
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Full STEM/STEAM ahead indeed! Thank you Amelia. You are at William & Mary? We love your mother!!!
Amelia Wildman
Helen Teague
Helen Teague
Amelia's mother is forever grateful, Dr. Mentor-Hamilton!
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Amelia Wildman
Dr. Hamilton, yes! I just finished year one of my PhD program at W&M! It is awesome that Mom is working with such an innovative team! Thanks for all you do.
Eric Hamilton
Helen Teague
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Tagging on that we appreciate Dr. Teague. Amelia, congrats on your work on your doctoral program-- thanks for taking the time to explore this work. You're at a great school :) (Go Tribe!)
Odhiambo Evans
Nice way of bringing learners together and promoting cross-cultural understanding across the world.
Eric Hamilton
The video is mavoulos I really like it
Eric Hamilton
Peter K
This is exactly what the world is for; coming up with new & practical ideas to curb the challenges we are facing in our day to day activities.
Eric Hamilton
Carlin H
Thank you for sharing about your project! I run a similar program connecting international youths through virtual channels under the themes of biotechnology and science communication. One of the challenges we faced was the language barrier. While most of the students could speak English, those that could not do so fluently struggled and it prevented them from participating in our global meet ups on video calls and in messaging each other, even with a translator present. How did you overcome the language barrier? Another question is about the technology. In some of the countries that participated, technology was not readily available for all the teens (including stable internet in the region). Things we take for granted, like mobile phones, wasn't always an option. Did you provide each hub with technology or was it a requirement that they provide their own? Did each hub have to meet certain requirements to participate? Thanks for your insights! I think there is so much we can learn from these kinds of international programs.
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Carlin, thank you. Where are you based? Please send us an email at eric.hamilton@pepperdine.edu. We have only worked in English-speaking countries now, and Finland, where students like to practice the language. We do have technology in the schools - not mobiles, but the schools have some computers.
Ivy waikwa
This is a wonderful idea to encourage and impact leadership qualities among young people.it not only encourages solving world problems but also interaction hence building world peace.
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Ivy you mention about leadership qualities and it has made me reflect on the shared leadership among IC4 members. Everyone is encouraged to take a lead as appropriate to task and context, each student's experience and expertise is valued and drawn upon as a resource. Collaborative activity across boundaries of subject, role and continents are promoted.
Eric Hamilton
Chemz Kimz
This is really emporing....This project really creates collaboration and understanding among young people around the world...Big up guys✌️
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Dear Chemz, we have faith that meaningful collaborations that cross and connect cultures will allow young people to follow their passion for STEM.
Eric Hamilton
John Nyams
What agood idea this was!To grow the world and by creativity
Eric Hamilton
Nathan Mugendi
????????What an amazing idea of brain interactions
Eric Hamilton
Cyrus Mema
Well done Dr. Eric and the video is amazing.IC4 project has enhanced learning experiences from classroom to project based for STEM. Students have developed confidence and sharpened their public speaking skills. In their quest to learning it has helped the students improve in mathematics and science subjects. It has also helped bridge the social-cultural gaps across the continents.
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Trevis Zighe
It’s good and a lot of innovation is seen.
Eric Hamilton
Jecinta Kate
This is a brilliant idea. I think many people should be doing the same so as to nature our future leaders.I’m very impressed with the project.
keep up!
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Jecinta, thank you. We hope that such collaboration becomes a routine and normal part of future classroom learning!
Tabby Goko
Hearing the learners' perspective on how collaboration fosters learning is both enlightening and educative. This a model that would be benefitial if replicated across the board. Given the diverse background and orientation of the learners,does this pose a challenge to the project?
I know it takes alot of commitment and dedication.Great job everyone. Kudos.
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Thank you dear Tabby! We are always learning on how relevant this is, what activities are relevant and also based on a contextualized group of diverse learners, tools that might help and always refining our strategy. I would say IC4 it is a glimpse into the future of learning.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Fred Omenya
As one speaker said that success is not about how much money you make but it is about the difference you make in people’s lives. Truly this is a life changing video, I love it.
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Siphokazi Ntetha
Dr H and global team, thank you for doing this work. I man changed every time I hear about all the exciting stuff you’re doing! @erichamilton it would be exciting to explore the parallels between the results of leadership hybridity (leaders and teams co-leading) from my study in South Africa and what you’re finding on participatory learning. Love it!
Kristina Lux
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Dr Ntetha, Thank you.
I think one of the things that has changed my thinking - as it relates to leadership hybridity - it to watch how leadership both fluctuates and depends on both strong leader/distributed leader modalities, and shifts organically. The successful groups are the ones where the shifts are subtle and don't hurt feelings but inspire trust and confidence in one another.
Ateng' Ogwel
Tabby Goko
Hearing the learners' perspective on how collaboration fosters learning is both enlightening and educative. This a model that would be benefitial if replicated across the board. Given the diverse background and orientation of the learners,does this pose a challenge to the project?
I know it takes alot of commitment and dedication.Great job everyone. Kudos.
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Tabby, thank you. We try to capture or marshal their understanding, but there is an intersubjectivity challenge between researchers and students, and not just between students! Students have every hanging conceptions of what it means to learn, and every changing understandings of what it means to do something with someone else, and it is challenging to pull out a connection between those two. We are trying to do that with our ENA analysis.
Terry Smith
Really well done - this kind of collaboration/co-construction especially across borders has such significant impact as these young learners grow into our future citizens and leaders. It is high impact science as they learn about our changing planet and the intersecting human stories which, as a teacher, I know will have lasting meaning and important positive future effects.
Helen Teague
Eric Hamilton
Helen Teague
Dr. Smith: thank you for your comments that circle back to the future-readiness of our young leaders across the globe. You are so correct- it is the "intersecting human stories" that matter. (love that sentiment!)
-Helen Teague
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Jessica DeSpain
Eric, I so appreciate how collaboration is a central tool in the project to increase cross-cultural understanding.
Eric Hamilton
Helen Teague
Eric Hamilton
Jessica, you gave a perfect 100th comment on the video. We feel very honored, and, well, blessed, to see how collaboration creates understanding - and deeper immersion into wonderful STEM learning. Thank you.
Helen Teague
John Lunalo
The aspect of taking initiative is evident in this video.Taking initiative paves way for collaborative learning. It is quite exciting when you hear students mentioning slack while some of us learned about it after our secondary education. These are some of the skills for 21st Century. I hope the project will help in transforming cultural understanding beyond boundaries which in the long run create space for knowledge sharing hence making world a digital village.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Actually, John, I was so surprised the students liked Slack so much, because it is such a business tool, and seems more suited for the workplace, but everyday I learn something new about preferences of our students!
Kristina Lux
Zach Mbasu
John, through slack students have shared information and ideas at the same time it has helped smaller groups with narrower, more specialized and differentiated domains to form and function effectively. We are still learning on how such technologies and platforms can support an experience of togetherness that makes a community a social container for learning together. Hopefully such platforms will allow various groups to take initiative, develop roles, create subgroups, projects and meaningful conversations.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
The video is really nice because myself I am featured in it and I am proud that am part of this program thanks to all the organizers of IC4.
Eric Hamilton
Timothy Bolivar
What part were you in? And I agree!
Eric Hamilton
Patrick Njoroge
Such an exciting project! Watching the video, you can clearly see that indeed the world is a global village and it is important to introduce students to how the global system works. There seem to be a range of skills apart from the STEM knowledge that the students are gaining from this ranging from collaboration to communication. Keep up the good work! All the best.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Lynette Foe-Aman
I am proud to be a part of IC4. We have been involved in research for several years. This project provides many opportunities for academic, social and global interactions. The engagement is higher than in a formal classroom. The students get to research and think about global and local issues and how they interconnect with other member locations.
It is such a learning experience to watch the students to brainstorm on ideas and find out that students across the globe share the same interests.
The projects have developed using more than one science. The students learn that not only is the world connected but that all the sciences are connected. Each issue can be viewed through many lenses. The world of STEM opens up the world to the students.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Helen Teague
Ateng' Ogwel
There's a signature of your work with George at Cabrillo High School in Long Beach. It was fascinating to watch the students inquire and create.
Thanks and Cheers
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Lynette, many thanks again service and leadership you and George provide to your students, and, by extension, the students around the world with whom they interact. Always welcoming your great ideas and obserevations.
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Thank you, Lynette for your collaborations with Dr. Hamilton over the years, and the insights and practice it brings to this current project. Very grateful to you and George for your continued belief, participation, support in this work.
Timothy Bolivar
Wowzers! I really like the amount of video editing. It's nice to see all the different locations come together in this video, and you can really tell alot of work was put into this. I hope more videos are created for IC4.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Kristina Lux
Timothy -- you are such a huge asset to the IC4 club. We are so lucky to have you!
Eric Hamilton
Kessiah Keller
As a student member in IC4 it was really fun to see all the different club members. I saw myself a couple of times in the video, how fun! I can't wait to see more videos produced by the IC4 project.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
You are such a great leader and huge contributor to this project! I am so glad to have met you yesterday!
Eric Hamilton
Maegan Ebalobor
I am so happy to be a part of this program and to see how it is evolving over time. I think that it is really cool to have people in it from different parts of the world. It is exciting to see how this program will look in the future.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Kristina Lux
Your contributions are HUGE!! I am so glad you were part of this project!
Eric Hamilton
Irish Codiamat
This is a great video! It is overwhelming to watch the other club members combined in a video and to see the experiences each group members went through in developing their designated projects. Looking forward for future videos as a whole community or group.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Kristina Lux
I am so glad you were part of the club this year. We look forward to seeing the club continue to grow!
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Francis Anokye
The multicultural diversity of the environment in which the program seeks to build is my greatest joy in this research. But I still have many questions on my mind. To what extent does this program seek to build the awareness of inclusion and contribute to the fight against racism? I simply ask this question due to the many experiences from people who have gone through thick and thin in similar manners in person not virtual as in this case.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
The question is pertinent and inclusion is a strand we could pursue once the gains on what we are doing become solid. Nevertheless, the project transcends social class, and as the students collaborate, they get so immersed in the tasks that they somewhat forget the social circumstances around them. St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Kenya might be a classic case of this.
As much as the social issues are diverse across and within the countries involved, how this initiative targets learners with special needs might be worth pursuing.
Thanks for bringing this out.
Eric Hamilton
Denise Calhoun
Collaboration across such boundaries is an exciting and enriching experience for students. The video illustrates how collaboration among various cultures can change learning. Excellent concept and project, Dr. Hamilton!
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Ateng' Ogwel
Helen Teague
Kristina Lux
You have always been such an advocate for learning! I am so glad you were able to watch our video. Your personal contribution to education is such a gift to all of the students you touch on a daily basis.
Many thanks,
Eric Hamilton
Denise Calhoun
Denise Calhoun
Hi Krissy!
Thank you for your kind words. You guys are doing amazing work. Keep us informed when come back to California.
Eric Hamilton
Kristina Lux
Michael Mumbo
Congratulations to all the team involved in this great idea. I'm a true beneficiary of the interdisciplinary team, it has a great potential of building a stronger team to disseminate knowledge and information. I'm interested in getting more about the scalability and sustainability of the digital content?
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Shad Wachter
It has been a great privilege and honor to work with the IC4 team. The work the goes on behind the scenes from our teacher leaders at each site and especially our fantastic project leaders: Eric, Danielle, Kristina, and Seung Bok is truly amazing. The support structure that has been established for this project really keeps it moving forward and evolving. There has been a lot accomplished from our first iteration to the present that allows students to explore and share their interest in STEM through collaboration and creating media. Our students really enjoy connecting and learning with friends from other countries. I can't wait to see what the future brings as we learn and grow together. Thank you, Eric, for inviting me to participate in such a meaningful experience!
Eric Hamilton
Zach Mbasu
Ateng' Ogwel
Kristina Lux
Eric Hamilton
Shad, it is an honor to have your leadership, service, and participation in this project!
Patrick Munyoki
Student's collaboration like this is fantastic and compliments the future vision of the world democratization of education. I'm impressed with how the students on the platform are from various areas worldwide...
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Reyna Garcia-Ramos
This is very cool and appreciate you sharing with the wider GSEP community! I think it is great that the team has been able to forge a collaborative approach to this project, since having done this in the past on a smaller scale, it takes lots of relationship building and funding to develop a deep infrastructure to be able to continue the work with minimal interruptions. Looking forward to more updates and publications!
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Dr Garcia-Ramos, we are trying to figure out the ways to make this a smooth and frequent aspect of the life and learning of the project's collaborating students. Thank you for your advice and counsel!
Alexander Pang
Being in Ic4 has been really fun! it Let's me collaborate with people with the same intrests!
Ateng' Ogwel
Yash G.
I loved this video! I also love working with others and this video definitely portrayed that.
Numa Kamal
This is a great video!!! This video portrays the importance of children learning to communicate with other people. It is such a good idea to use STEM!!! What an inspiring project!
Ateng' Ogwel
Reilley B
That video was amazing! I really enjoyed seeing everyone form the other sites. It was neat to have the narration over top of the videos. One thing I would like to say is that could there be some explanation of the projects some of us have created. Not in great detail, but just a general overview of the projects.
Ateng' Ogwel
Diley Hernandez
Very nice project. Keep up the good work!
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Patrick T
This video is a great representation of the IC4 project and portrayed the fun experience I had this year. Good luck, and keep on pushing students to be involve in STEM.
Eric Hamilton
John Wamalwa
The video is marvellous and wonderful, very useful for STEM learning
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Robert Williams
Friendly greetings Dr H and Ms D Espino from Okahandja , Namibia. Thank you for the updates on your future engagements at UNESCO. Congrats also to Ms Espino for the upcoming graduation coming Saturday.
Kudos to you and everyone for introducing IC4 to our student community at the Okahandja Schools, although it seems it's only JG van der Wath SS that is still actively meeting.
This international collaboration which are connecting young people all over the globe is very commendable and makes me so exciting. Although our group is very small I believe with time that it will grow and become one of the best co-curricular activities for subjects such as maths, science and technology. I think our learners are really enjoying the interaction with students with other countries. .
Thank you Dr H once again for introducing the project to our school and learners. The benefits can only be endless in forming holistically educated human beings for the future.
Eric Hamilton
Dear Principal Williams,
We first underscore our esteem for Jazorique, greatly for the opportunity to intersect his life for this short time and for whatever time in the future he can give us. Thank you for your leadership and van der Wath, and especially your openness to letting us work in your school. I think those days last summer in the gym with the computers and your students are days I will never forget as an educator. Thank you again.
Ateng' Ogwel
Gosh, the showcase is ending in less than 60 hours!!!!
Let's share more ideas on IC4. Team IC4 could scan the comments for messages that point to the next levels of the collaboration. The viewership is amazing, in quantity and geographical spread.
Let's give a final kick in the comments and responses
Helen Teague
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Ateng, thank you so much for your time and effort in providing insightful responses and encouragement to others. So grateful.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng', thank you - your remark motivates me to try to harvest as many potential connections as possible, so, I shall do as you direct in this matter. Thank you again.
Jazorique Williams
A wonderful video put together explaining IC4 to the world. Thumbs up to the team who created the video! IC4 is a platform that allowed me to connect with other students on the other side of the equator, kilometres/miles away! It has opened me to much diversity - the culture and way of thinking of other students! It is not only fun but also educational! My favourite topics must be Maths and Technology and so many other students do share the same interest which makes collaboration effortless and fun. Looking forward to meeting more students and creating videos.
I have met so many people whom I can give thanks to Ms. Espino, Dr. H, Ms Lux, Mr. Bok and so many more!
Lastly a big thanks to Dr. Hamilton and Ms. Espino for introducing us to IC4. I appreciate the chance given to be part of the IC4 community!
Kristina Lux
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Jazorique, thank you for your comment. We are so grateful and privileged to have your student leadership in the IC4 community. You are a bright representation for Namibia's future.
Andrée Nenkam
This is really wonderful and amazing. Aside from the promotion of STEM in young students early education, I love the innovation of using improved technology to achieve that. creating a social remote environment for young students from different cultures to collaborate together, enhance their curiosity, creativity, knowledge, thinking... This is a big up to the Ic4 team - congratulations!!
Some few questions (maybe already asked):
(i) Does this involve primary?/secondary?/college? students of all levels?
(ii) Is there any plan to scale up the project in other countries after this methodology has been proven to be useful?
Zach Mbasu
Thank you Andree. This involves students aged 12 -19 years. You ask a great question of scaling and we need your brilliant mind to help us figure out how scale efficiently.
Walter Wagude
Helen Teague
This project, represented so artfully by Jenna Welsh's creative skill is one part of the interaction - the other equally important part of the communication is the comments (156 of them!) related to the video's message. We carry our culture in our language and with this project, since our language is mathematics and technology - we share a common culture! Here is a word cloud of the key words* that we have generated together in this forum.
The most referenced word was "helpful" (which dominated initial renderings and was removed) and there were four variations on the word "Collaborative"
Helen Teague
*frequency >9
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Excellent, Dr. Teague. This is very helpful and helps us to track impressions that are reinforced. You once again have come up with a cool idea that I never considered. Thank you!
Alejandra Garcia
I really enjoyed your video and I think the project tackles many importante issues beyond STEM. I'm based in México City and would like to know about possibilities for collaboration
Eric Hamilton
Alejandra, we are working with Erik Huesca in Mexico (erik@huesca.mx) and I have told him you may be in touch with him. We are very interested in collaborations, and are trying to find workable ways to do so. Thank you!
Maureen Maguru
Wow!wow!wow!I like it .Continue with the same spirit and I assure you that you will succeed.Congrats guys
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Onesmus Nkatha
My name is onesmus kimathi from m-pesa foundation academy:I really enjoyed the video it has motivated meals a STEM student
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Paul wainaina
The video was amazing to see that us the young people,have a future of running our ideas
and collaborate with people from other continents so as to learn and come up with more ideas,to nature our dreams and future. Thank you
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Ruth Muthoni
I am Ruth Muthoni from Mpesa foundation academy.This video is amazing.The technology makes us look like one community.l think stem lessons should be encouraged worldwide.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Emmanuel kisilu
Marvelous ,keep the candle burning and congratulations for your favorite new ideas and don’t give up,thanks
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Walter Wagude
This video is excemplary amazing, it gives me hope of tomorrow , a future full of reinforced engineers, doctors and very specialized individuals. The initiative towards developing the younger age is absolutely incredible and the ic4 team should continue with the same spirit.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Walter! Congratulations on your admission to MIT! You will brighten America when you come here! We are so proud you have been able to join IC4, and hope you are able to encourage and inspire others at Mpesa!
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Seconding Dr. Hamilton's comment. Walter, we were so impressed when we heard the news. We are proud of your achievement! I believe you are going to Georgetown-- they are fortunate to have you joining them soon!
I love this video because it has some lesson on STEM .It is really owersome and wonderful. Continue with that spirit because it lmproves different skills in students and it also builds courage in them.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Walter Wagude
Ashley Chepkorir
The video is amazing. It's awesome to see collaboration having positive results. As a member of the club I have learnt a lot including communication skills, leadership skills as well as improve my confidence. Amazing job to the club and the video and I encourage everyone to continue with the club.
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
It is too cool having you and your peers participate in your IC4. You inspire us, Ashley, and we know you are the generation to re-shape this difficult world. Glad to be alongside you as you learn!
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Echoing Dr. Hamilton's comment, thank you Ashley for your leadership at Mpesa for IC4. (I also saw a photo of your award on Slack-- congratulations!)
Breda Mwelu
This video is amazing and it teaches young minds on science and technology related courses.Goood work
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Joseph Hika
Fantastic video, amazing to see young people share their ideas and think of ways to make them successful. Ic4 encourages teamwork which is one of the most important things everyone in STEM should learn. Thanks.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Albert Nyabuto
Video is amazing showing where education technology we are heading far and we need to think critical to improve technology and in order make it let us give ideas
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Ron Cole
It took me a long time to read through the comments because my eyes kept filling up with tears.
My big concern is how this awesome project can continue to grow and flourish after the NSF grant is completed. How can we help?
Ateng' Ogwel
Ateng' Ogwel
Hope all is fine in Colorado.
As usual, you questions evoke deep reflections and soul-searching. Perhaps we need to look at ways in which some of the activities within IC4 can be mainstreamed within an emerging school culture. Working within clubs in schools is a great idea which might not be resource intensive. However, we must in the coming months think of how to sustain the international collaborations. I have no immediate answer but I see openings, at least in Kenya, which I may share later after some testing moments for the thoughts.
You must remember the final discussion in Helsinki with Eric, and am looking forward to a similar opportunity to listen to the two of you discuss fundamental constructs from alternative perspectives.
Please share more insights on sustainability from Boulder Language Technologies!!!!
Eric Hamilton
Well this is a beautiful response, Dr. Cole. Wow. Thank you. I am profoundly humbled that this project moves you in this way. I agree with you and Mr Ogwel on finding the conditions for continuity.
Ateng' Ogwel
Reading through the comments, it's evident that what we have in IC4 is a Promising Practice. From where we are, and with whom we interact, be it at research level, policy level or practice, we have a humble obligation to share, just as we've done with the video showcase.
Am looking forward to the teams in Kenya and Namibia, at least and other sites joining the Regional Conference for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (COMSTEDA) and share the IC4 experiences in Maun, Botswana (http://smase-africa.org/index.php/resources/tes... Helen, Danielle, Kristina, Zach and the amaing team should back-up the presenters and provide conceptual (and probably, logistical) support!
We could also take advantage of unplanned opportunities with policy makers and others to say "our story" so far, without hesitation.
Ateng' Ogwel
The Call for papers for COMSTEDA 16 can also be accessed through http://bit.ly/comsteda
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
That link is not working, but I will keep pursuing at https://twitter.com/smaseafrica?lang=en.
Maybe my new supervisor, who hails from Botswana, will grant permission for me to attend. More importantly, let's discuss this opportunity for others.
Abiud Limo
ic4 is a great group that has helped me a lot especially in my communication skills. I have also practised critical thinking by coming up with different projects. I would invite anyone to contribute towards this group because it will help a lot of people.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Frank Davis
Hi Eric, A wonderful project! It reminds me of a TERC project called global lab developed by Bob Tinker. The affordance of modern internet technologies allows a much different experience of ‘connection’ and learning for students. I also think seeing oneself as a global citizen in regard to STEM and other issues is important and probably quite impactful in kids thinking about their future lives. Still worry that a digital divide in technology access and schools’ capacities to produce such learning opportunities is an obstacle for students in our most under-resourced communities. Frank
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Eric Hamilton
Frank, agreed about the digital divide, though we have been able to work in many areas that are quite underresourced. I am beginning to realize something about the digital divide w.r.t. the proliferation of educational technology purchases in poor areas or countries. I think a main issue is that in areas where technology is dropped in - it can do wonderful things, but maintenance and refined use of the technology remains a terrible problem.
It is so cool to hear from you! Thank you for your comments.
John academy
Wow!The video is amazing.I have really learnt a lot from it.Keep up
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Edwin O.Omollo
This was a dream of an individual for the world some time back before it became a reality.Congratulations to Dr. Hamilton, Danielle, facilitators and all participants.You have really ensured that dreams are indeed realities if one believes in the course.
Going by the comments of the viewers, I am impressed that the inspiration generated by the video clip is great. It reminds me of words of the late Prof. Stephen Hawking that our ability is not limited to physical activities but infinite to freedom of our minds.Indeed, IC4 has changed my approach of content delivery from analogue to digital mode and has widen the freedom of learners in innovation especially in the field of science.Watching students think of ideas and visual them into real projects or write scripts is a great achievement especially when they collaborate from different parts of the globe.
I am convinced now than ever that the generations to come will see IC4 as the major booster of technology integration in learning.It has simplified content mastery and delivery to those that really need it wherever they are.Despite the challenges that the students encountered during the process, they still managed to put together the pieces of their work into one deliverable project within the groups.
Eric Hamilton
Ateng' Ogwel
Ateng' Ogwel
This had to be you.
Thanks for the very touching remarks
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Edwin does have that distinctive and compelling style!
Edwin, your effusive comments are so wonderful to read. There is so much we need to do to make the model more understandable and usable, but your leadership and assistance makes it so worthwhile. Thank you!
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
I just have to chime in-- Edwin, your students in IC4 blow me away. Their dedication, effort, and flexibility is so felt and deeply appreciated. Thank you for your support in this work!
the stem classes are encouraging since it helps in understanding mathematics and the attitude towards engineering which is thought to be hard is shown simple alas!we are now aware of what is in stem
Eric Hamilton
Actually the video is well played ,organized and educative one eve
Eric Hamilton
This video has helped me how work is done faster using stem and also has taught me about science and mathematics
Eric Hamilton
Yes,it’s good and innovative.Iam happy for that I ppreciatted very much.It is nice to be innovative and creative,l have never seen this before.Thankyou guys and countinue with the same spirit.
Eric Hamilton
Morgan Onyango
I really enjoyed this video for it was fantastic and amazing and that will help us in “STEM” projects and practicals.
Eric Hamilton
It is an enjoyable video.
Eric Hamilton
Hassan academy
I am Hassan and want to say that the was educative and I hope soon I will join the stem because I give us skills
Eric Hamilton
Maureen waithira
I am Maureen waithira from the MPESA FOUNDATION ACADEMY.I have really enjoyed it.It is wow! I would argue you to continue with the same spirit and I assure you that you will prosper
Eric Hamilton
Eunice Mwangi
I enjoyed watching this video and it was educative on stem thank you very much
Eric Hamilton
Rachael Katuta
I as rachael Katuta have learnt how students collaborate in regardless of their differences in the video and I have also enjoyed how students work together.
They was also innovation of technology lastly, the video was actually very impressive l have really enjoyed it
Eric Hamilton
ANNSHEILLA-mpesa academy
Wow!really impressive the video is not only vital in improving STEM but also improves problem solving skills and creative thinking,good work.
Eric Hamilton
Syovinya-mpesa academy
l have really enjoyed your video it is educative,quite interesting and exciting one.l’m very happy for what you did is amazing what I can tell you is to continue with the same spirit.May God our lord bless the work of your hands l’m syovinya mpesa academy thank you for everyone who participated
Eric Hamilton
I liked the video clip very much,it was marvelous more so STEM has enabled young innovators like you to use modern technology,......big applause of congratulations to you.Thank you and be blessed.
Eric Hamilton
? a nice idea to bring the world together. I wish you well as you go on with the project. God be on your side.
Eric Hamilton
Walter academy.
This project enhances collaboration and team work among the youth,remember “when you want to go far go as a team”
Eric Hamilton
maxwell kibet
My name is maxwell kibet-Mpesa foundation academy i realy thank the role of stem in our school ,in the video i found it motivating and encouraging for i have learnt that everything is possible in our world through the help of stem,through the video i see the world growing into the world of machinaries,i have also found the video giving me a clear understanding of the technology that is current in our world ,i thought that they were made magicaly but through the video am now getting to know that everything in this world is pissible.Also through the video i am understanding the goodness of collaboration in our day to day activities.I realy thank the role of stem and the video to me as an individual thankyou.
Eric Hamilton
Eric Hamilton
Maxwell - I love your statement: "i thought that they were made magicaly but through the video am now getting to know that everything in this world is possible." Excellent, and thank you!
syovinya academy
I really enjoyed your video it is educative,quite interesting and exciting one.l’m very happy for what you did is amazing what I can tell you is to continue with the same spirit.May God our Lord bless the work of your hands i’m syovinya from mpesa foundation academy thanks for everyone who participated.
Eric Hamilton
Hassan academy
This is so good and I think we shall have more engineers in the future which our country need
Eric Hamilton
Chani Kocho
It enhances skill motivation. It helps to identify the problem facing our community.It helps to work together in order to know other people’s culture. You will develop to boost your creativity.
Eric Hamilton
Mirriam Kitonga
I really enjoyed the video, I liked the fact that it shows a lot of collaboration and brings out many ideas about stem.
Eric Hamilton
Titus Karunguru
This is a crystal clear motivation towards technology and communication in the near future. This is worth recognition and appreciation.
Thanks for that SHEDDING OF LIGHT.
Eric Hamilton
Mariana M
this video have the overall motivational and inspiring aura to it, i love the fact that it gives a copious amount of empowering reasons to collaborate with other individuals under the STEM category!
Eric Hamilton
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Mariana-- it says undergraduate student, but I'm hoping this is our Mariana from SVHS! We appreciate you so much in IC4!
Jake O
Hi everyone!
It’s Jake from Spring Valley High School, Las Vegas. First off I’d like to congratulate you all for all the amazing work you’ve worked! It’s been such a pleasure to meet and work with people all over the world. I feel so proud to have been a part of such a fabulous group. This was my first year in the IC4 Project and it has been amazing. There has been some obstacles along the way but despite this we were still able to conduct research and make outstanding projects. Once again thank you all especially Dr. Hamilton for making this a possibility!
Eric Hamilton
Danielle Espino
IC4 Project Manager
Thanks Jake for your comment-- your eagerness to connect with others around the world and learn together through IC4 is evident in your participation, and we thank you :)
Eric Hamilton
Jake - thank you. You have encapsulated so much of what is rewarding about your IC4 project in the excerpt that features you in the video. Working on improvements for a smoother experience. Thank you again.
Further posting is closed as the event has ended.