Recorded: January 24, 2023 at 12:30pm EST
Description:This panel focuses on the connections between neurodiversity and STEM problem solving. Some of the same aspects of neurodiversity that are often characterized as deficits in learning are accompanied by talents that can be harnessed for STEM problem solving. Neurodivergent learners often bring unique strengths to STEM problem solving and should be encouraged and supported in their innovative ways of thinking. The projects discussed on this panel focus on novel pedagogical approaches to highlight neurodivergent thinkers' creativity, persistence, attention to detail, systematic thinking while also supporting their executive function.
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LCIRT webinars are available for replay and bring you up-to-date information and research-based practices for supporting students with learning disabilities (LD), ADHD, or autism. They are a cost-effective, efficient way to provide professional development to individuals and school communities. (Note some are free and some have a small fee.)
Many youth on the autism spectrum possess interests and strengths for STEM-related postsecondary pathways, yet there are few research-based programs to support those interests and competencies including complex problem solving and social communication. This qualitative study explored the experiences and perceived outcomes of students, teachers, and parents participating in an inclusive, strength-based, extracurricular engineering design program entitled the IDEAS Maker Club.
This article describes how the IDEAS Maker Program brought together a team of researchers, Maker program developers from New York Hall of Science, ASD experts and engineering faculty and students at NYU, educators with expertise in supporting students with ASD, and students on the autism spectrum to create a hybrid formal/informal program that prepares middle-school students with and without ASD for careers as inventors, designers, and engineers.
This paper describes the collaborative development of an inclusive maker program called Inventing, Designing, and Engineering for All Students (IDEAS) and the results of a study on the impact of that program on autistic students and their neurotypical peers. The IDEAS project brought together experts in maker education, autism inclusion, engineering, co-design, and research. Over 2 years, this group adapted and pilot tested a museum-based maker program so that it could be run as an informal club in autism-inclusion middle schools (students ages 10–14) in New York City.
NASA’s Neurodiversity Network (N3) is a five-year program that has been funded as part of NASA’s Science Activation Network. N3’s main goal is to provide a pathway to NASA participation and STEM employment for neurodiverse learners, with a focus on those on the autism spectrum. Through the N3 program, we are enabling STEM education for a segment of the population that is significantly underserved through a process in which existing NASA education resources are redesigned with significant input from autistic learners and their instructors.
Background/Context: The Inclusive Assessment of Computational Thinking (CT) designed for accessibility and learner variability was studied in over 50 classes in US schools (grades 3-8). Objective: The validation studies of IACT sampled thousands of students to establish IACT’s construct and concurrent validity as well as test-retest reliability. Implications: IACT is the first CT tool for grades 3-8 that has been validated in a large-scale study among students with and without IEPs or 504s.
INFACT aims to provide differentiable teaching and learning activities in Computational Thinking (CT) that are inclusive for neurodiverse learners in grades 3-8. Neurodiversity refers to learners with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other related cognitive differences. Underlying many neurodiverse conditions is differences with executive function (EF)... INFACT activities are designed with embedded EF scaffolds to support neurodiverse learners.
NASA's Neurodiversity Network (N3) is providing a pathway to NASA participation and STEM employment for neurodiverse learners, with a focus on those on the autism spectrum. Find resources resources and links for the application to the internship program.
Tony Martin
Nice to connect! A pleasure to see folks talking about this honestly and sincerely and not automatically treating Autistics as defective, only as different!
Diane Simpson Brown
Would love to connect with the other folks from Washington State. I'm grappling with whether I should focus my time on developing student support for neurodivergent learners in stand-alone courses/services (similar to Bellevue College's Neurodiversity Navigators program) or focusing more on faculty training to educate them on embedded instruction and universal design. I am only on sabbatical for a few more months at Everett Community College. Nice to meet you all!
Lynn Cominsky
I am so happy to meet other people interested in autism advocacy and look forward to continuing our discussion. I appreciated Tony's comments about how we could have done a better job in advertising our session, providing more information about the structure ahead of time. I will definitely keep this in mind for future presentations. Diane, I am working on similar issues at the college level now, and would love to talk with you more about this. I don't actually know the answer to your question, we are hoping to get some NSF funding to work on this within the Cal State system (CSU) which has only one campus (East Bay) with a specific support program for students.
Diane Simpson Brown
Thanks, Lynn. I think a huge hurdle is the stigma around autism and students don't want to be singled out or seen as different or needing extra help. The term neurodivergence helps a lot with that, but not all are ready to embrace it. It goes back to the argument of something being part of one's identity versus a disability, so this is huge in my mind right now. Many of the STEM faculty at my college exhibit tons of ND signs, but because of their age have no Dx. They are also ironicly, some of the most challenging to get to open up on this conversation.
David Bowers
Vis-a-vis the question of identity vs. disability: As a heads up, it's worth noting that many versions of this question are rooted in Ablism. The neurodiversity movement questions the medical/pathologized cultural construction of "Autism is a disease" and instead pivots to something closer to "Society disables autistic people". In other words, it's still a (culturally constructed and culturally situated) disability, but not some inherently "bad" pathology/deviation from normal. In short, Autism is both an identity and a disability.
Another conversation I think I hear you thinking about in your choice of language is the question of person-first vs. identity-first language. Within the autistic community, identity-first is most popular, minimally because person-first is commonly rooted in Ablism (e.g. "I want to separate the person from the 'disease' of autism"). Autism isn't a disease separable from who we are, but is instead a neurology which is fundamental to how we experience the world (and how the world experiences us).
Bennett Attaway
I think some of the discussion around universal design is relevant to you as well here, Diane - currently, most courses are designed for a "typical" student, and anyone who doesn't fit those expectations is allowed to ask for extra help (through an IEP at the K-12 level or through a university's accommodations office). Students have to identify themselves (or the school has to identify them) as "disabled" to access the support they need.
If courses were set up so that anyone could choose the options that are made available for autistic learners - like different ways of demonstrating mastery - it would take away some of the stigma around using these options, and probably benefit a lot of learners who are neurotypical as well as those who don't know yet that they are neurodivergent.
Sam Tumolo
Totally! Universal Design is also beneficial because a lot of autistic girls, people of color, and trans folk are often undiagnosed, and therefore don't have access to the supports they need. So if programs are designed to include everybody, then these individuals have access to an accessible education.
Teon Edwards
I'm a huge proponent of universal design and entirely agree with the above. I'll, also, however add that overwhelm and cognitive load can be a challenge for some learners (or really for all of us at least some of the time), so there are tricky questions about how to integrate options / UDL offerings in ways that are response to this and not adding to the problem. (e.g., In a tech or game environment, offering too many things that can be customized can have the unintended consequence of people not customizing anything because the options are, themselves, overwhelming.)
I'd love to hear how people attempting UDL have made decisions about what to include or not include, as well as how to present the offerings.
Patricia Marsteller
Getting started with UDL....might start here. There's a lot of other resources on the BioQUEST/QUBES hub
Many people think that UDL applies only to people with sight or hearing impairments, but this is not accurate.
The guidelines are about reaching all students through multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representing material and multiple ways to show learning. Taken together, the Guidelines lead to the ultimate goal of UDL: to develop “expert learners” who are, each in their own way, resourceful and knowledgeable, strategic and goal-directed, purposeful and motivated.
Today we will explore a worksheet and also reflect on who are learners are and what their goals and aspirations mean to the learning environment.
So first I want you to take a few minutes to think about YOUR students. Do you have people with dyslexia, autism, different learning styles, different goals and aspirations? That may help you decide where to begin. Please write a bit in the chat about your learners.
Then we will briefly go thru some of the strategies and see where you might want to begin. UDL is meant to be iterative and you don’t have to do everything at once.
Hasley, A. O., Orndorf, H. (2022). Getting Started with Universal Design for Learning. Universal Design for Learning, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/8EC1-V892
Three resources for faculty interested in an introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This module contains three resources for getting started with CAST's Universal Design for Learning framework. We suggest moving through the resources in order:
These activities can be completed independently but there is great benefit to sharing and discussing your responses, mappings, and ideas with others.
Hasley, A. O., Orndorf, H. (2021). UDL Mapping Activity. Universal Design for Learning, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/E9D6-YE29
Using the UDL Guidelines as an analysis tool promotes a deeper understanding of UDL checkpoints, provides practice in recognizing alignment between UDL checkpoints and instructional strategies, and yields a result that highlights patterns and areas of improvement within the material. In this activity, faculty select a short, modular resource, either one they developed or something they use regularly, identify the learning objectives, and then conduct a UDL Mapping. Examples and templates for conducting a mapping are included.
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Universal Design for Learning
and Antiracism
Published version online:
Hasley, A. O., Orndorf, H. (2021). Introduction to the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines. Universal Design for Learning, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/3MJJ-4D08
The Universal Design for Learning Guidelines were developed by CAST in the 1990s using learning and neuroscience research. The UDL Guidelines advocate for designing learning environments and materials to plan for variability rather than average, better supporting all learners in becoming experts in how they learn. With its three principles, nine guidelines, and 31 checkpoints the UDL framework can at first be overwhelming. The activities included in this module are intended to guide faculty, instructors, and professional developers towards a foundational understanding of UDL. The activities include:
Hasley, A. O., Orndorf, H. (2021). UDL Guidelines Workbook. Universal Design for Learning, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/FJDE-KT82
Hasley, A. O., Orndorf, H. (2021). UDL Guidelines Workbook. Universal Design for Learning, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/FJDE-KT82
In the spreadsheet the UDL guidelines and checkpoints are linked to their full descriptions and examples at CAST There is space to map pieces of a learning resource or activity to the guidelines. Analyzing a resource with the spreadsheet can act as an exercise to familiarize yourself with the guidelines, identify how a resource aligns to the UDL guidelines, and identify where additional options for engagement, representation, and action & expression could be applied.
Short exercise
Take some time exploring the UDL Guidelines on CAST's website and review this video, The UDL Guidelines in Under 5 Minutes.
Helpful ResourcesSam Tumolo
Patricia, this is so so so great! Thanks for putting all of these resources together, I can't wait to read through.
David Bowers
Peace, all. Appreciated the opportunity to hear what these researchers were up to. In the future, hoping to see them incorporate more Critical perspectives from the autistic community and other neurodivergent communities, e.g. moving beyond "labor preparation" as hegemony, attending to intersectionality, and so forth.
Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki
Thank you for your comments during the breakout session David, they were appreciated. You pushed myself and some of the others out of our comfort zones and in a good way. I am always looking to bring in new perspectives into my own research and if you are interested would love to discuss ideas for future lines of work if you are interested in collaborating.
David Bowers
Thank you for the kind words! I'm very open to the possibility of collaboration - Will drop you an email.
Teon Edwards
Hi, David. Thanks from me, too, for sharing your perspective and expertise.
And thank you for both speaking up to fill a silence and clearly letting everyone, especially those who hadn't spoken yet, know they were welcome to "take the floor" back from you. I think I've usually run a decent meeting, but over the last few years, I learned a lot more about when and how to speak up and when to stay silent, about how to encourage and support people in sharing their ideas and otherwise contributing, and about how to encourage ans support others to consciously step back and not overly stear a conversation. There's a real art and balance to this, one I'm still learning, and I'm very appreciative when I get to see others engaging in this, too.
Jodi Asbell-Clarke
It was great meeting everyone today in the webinar. Thank you so much for sharing your stories and ideas. You can always learn more about our work at
We would love to collaborate with educators who are trying to make their teaching and learning more inclusive of neurodivergent learners. We are looking for schools and districts who would like to be part of a longer term research partners (with lots of perks for the districts!) and allies who want to help us get the message out there. Whoever you are - get in touch :)
Use the contact for or email Thanks! - Jodi
Kelly Paulson
Please let me know if there any questions about INFACT and the teaching and learning materials there, or if you'd like to be kept informed of upcoming opportunities related to our expanding work!
Lynn Cominsky
We want to encourage autistic high school students who are interested in NASA to apply to the 2023 N3 summer internship program. Details about the program and the application process can be found here: - Recordings of the final project presentations by 2021 and 2022 interns can also be viewed at this website. The application period will close on March 6, 2023.
Wendy Martin
Great to see the discussion continuing. Sam and I are hoping to work on applying UDL guidelines to co-create neurodiversity-affirming museum and science center programs with young people, so the resources that Patricia shared are especially appreciated.